Saturday, September 24, 2011

Motif # 20, 21 & 22

After seeing the above doodle angel pattern by Birgit, my friend wanted me to make angle pins for all the ladies who will be attending her sister-in-law's baby shower. I was more than happy to help out my friend. In this quest, I made two different angels with white beads because she told me that the whole decor is pink and white because it is a baby girl.

But she wanted the whole thing pink so I made another one with pink beads and again showed to her before starting with my first ever venture.  I tried my best to take a perfect picture but I was unable o capture the color of the beads properly.

She was so enchanted by the very first pink angel doodle that she simply wanted everything in pink thread only without beads. Now here I was tatting pink angels for all the ladies. After tatting all the angels , I realized they are not going to stay properly on the pin.  After washing the angels I starched them heavily so that they should retain there shape well. Finally I mounted those angels on the safety pin to be secured on the dresses.

Here it is - an army of angels is ready to shower all the blessings on the baby and the mom. Hope my friend is going to like what I made for her. I wish all the best to the coming baby and her mom.


  1. What a lovely little angel and your "army" is beautiful! I'm sure your friend will love them!

  2. Thanks a lot to both of you for encouragement!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My friend really liked those angels.
