Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Motif # 5 - Small doily

I bought a new size 10 crochet thread from Walmart which looked very pretty. I took no time to start this Spencer doily. As I started working with it I realized that this is not the right thread for tatting. So I decided to stop after completing four rounds only. I didn't liked the way it looked initially but after blocking it looked much better than before. So I must say it was an effort worth trying a new thread as a new tatter like me learns more about threads only by trying different options.


  1. I also find that I'm willing to use some threads for small projects that I would never use for larger ones. For big ones like the Spencer doily, I would want a thread that slides like a dream. This thread might work nicely for some single round snowflakes.

  2. Your doily looks very nice! :)
